Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Importance of CHOCOLATE!

My Birthday Dinner at The Jefferson 16 Oct - Of course we had chocolate!
                                                      A woman needs her chocolate!

I just remembered about this while chatting with a friend about the importance of chocolate in a woman’s life!
LOL....Here's a good story for ya. When we lived in Orlando & my parents lived in South Fl. we were on the road & stopped for lunch. I didn't have my chocolate fix so I asked Jeff to stop at the next rest stop & get me some. He was distracted, daydreaming, tired....whatever....he kept passing rest stops & I kept getting madder & madder....I didn't say anything....finally after about an hour, I said...." So....are you ever going to stop & get me my chocolate??????" He got an "OOOOOPPPPPPPSSS...." look on his face & stopped at the very next one..........AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.....I was happy...... He has never forgotten that incident & always reminds me....."Hey, Honey....remember the time I forgot to get you chocolate????" LOL...... A WOMAN NEEDS HER CHOCOLATE!!!!